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The Eternal Hope of Every Believer!
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The Eternal Hope of Every Believer!
Evangelist Perkins taught this thought provoking message at the Southern California Prophecy Conference held at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. In this message, Evangelist Perkins taught on the foundational truth of the Eternal Hope of every believer. In this teaching he dealt with:
- Where is your Hope Today?
- What is this Eternal Hope?
- How should this Hope affect our lives in the here and now?
- Different aspects of this Hope!
This message will challenge you to reexamine where you place your hope in this life and give a measure of hope to keep you balanced as you face life’s uncertainties. It will encourage you to live your life with joyous anticipation as you look forward with renewed hope to your awesome future with God.

Evangelist Donald Perkins teaching in the Southern
California Prophecy Conference. Photo by Craig Goy.