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Living for Christ in the End Times
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Code: BKS-0050
 Living for Christ in the End Times, is a book written by Dr. David Reagan of Lamb & Lion Ministries. Dr.
Reagan is a colleague of Evangelist Perkins and is highly respected as a balance and clear Bible Prophecy
teacher in America Today.
"This book I believe is a must read for all who are serious about being used of God and properly discerning the endtimes. I recommend this book whole heartily to all of the readers and Partners of this Ministries." Evangelist Donald Perkins.
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Dr. Reagan's new book, Living for Christ in the End Times, has just been published (July 2000) by New Leaf press in Arkansas. Although the book contains three chapters on Bible prophecy, it is more concerned with principles of Christian living in the midst of societal decay and increasing apostasy in the church.
The book is divided into three parts.
Part #1 entitled - The Descent into Paganism
Focuses on the decay of society and the weakening of the church. This section presents in vivid detail the nature of the challenge that is faced by Christians as the 21st Century begins. These two chapters are very specific and very graphic. They are designed to jolt people out of their comfort zones and awaken them to the serious challenge that paganism is presenting to Christianity.
Part #2 entitled - The Christian Response to a Pagan World
This section contains ten chapters which spell out in detail what a Christian must do to live triumphantly in the midst of an increasingly secular and pagan society. The topics covered include standing on the Word of God, believing in the power of God, relying on the Holy Spirit, practicing tough faith, ordering priorities, keeping an eternal perspective, standing for righteousness, persisting in prayer, surrendering in worship, and clinging to hope.
Part #3 entitled - The Victory over Paganism
Dr. Reagan begins this section by pointing out that paganism is destined to triumph briefly during the reign of the Antichrist, but it will be demolished when Jesus Christ returns. In a chapter entitled "Living on Borrowed Time," Dr. Reagan surveys the signs of the times that point to the Lord's soon return, giving special attention to those signs that are unique to our day and age. The last chapter of the book is entitled "Looking for Jesus." In it, Dr. Reagan presents evidence that the Rapture of the Church is imminent.
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