This 256 page book will give you many answers to questions asked about the Book of Revelation. For many people, this book is
shrouded in mystery. They're unsure of how to understand this fascinating panorama of the end times that's filled with divine judgment,
the rise and fall of a one-world government. Armageddon, and most exciting of all, the glorious return of Jesus Christ.
What are the keys to interpreting Revelation, especially all the symbols? Will Hell really last for eternity?,
What will happen during Armageddon? Where will believer be during the millennuim, and what will they do?
Who are the 144,000 in Revelation 7:1-8? Are the trumpet judgments literal or symbolic (Revelation 8; 11)?
What is the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:18)?
Readers who have questions about the book of Revelation usually
don’t want to wade through pages of commentary to find their answers.
Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock offers a helpful solution in this concise Q&A format.
Questions are grouped in broad categories that focus on interpretation,
background information, Jesus Christ, and the letters to the churches.
A final category, “The Consummation,” is further divided into subparts
that address the tribulation, the second coming, the millennium, and more.
These easy-to find and easy-to-understand responses to the most commonly asked
questions about the book of Revelation will empower readers to mine its riches
and stand strong in their faith.
Dr. Mark Hitchcock
Is the author of nearly 20 books related to end-time Bible prophecy,
including the bestselling 2012, the Bible, and the End of the World. He earned a ThM
and PhD from Dallas Theological Seminary and is the senior pastor of Faith Bible Church
in Edmond, Oklahoma. He has worked as an adjunct professor at Dallas Theological Seminary.