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Deception in the Church in the Last Days!
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Code: DVD-00302
Deception in the Church in the Last Days!
Evangelist Perkins taught this very thought provoking message explaining that the Church of today has unknowingly embraced a spirit of deception. The Word of God says, in the last days, that some would depart from the faith by giving heed to seducing spirit and doctrines of devils and not endure sound doctrine. All this derives from being ignorant of the scriptures. This message will help to prepare you to guard yourself against the attack on biblical truth in the End Times.
- Deception In the Church Today
- How are many being deceived in the Church Today?
- Exposing this Deception in the Church
- Protecting yourselves from this latter-day Deception
This message is intended to inform and inspire the listeners to be on the alert in the End-Times.