This is a wonderful 2 Dvd series, that will help you understand the Book of Revelation. It is designed to give you a general overview and help take the fear
out of studying this great book of Bible Prophecy.
The Messages in this series:
Dvd #1 - Topics covered on this first Dvd: You will learn how to study the book of Revelation and important keys to properly interpret and understand this prophetic book. You will
also learn about the Revelation of Jesus Christ, The Glorified Vision of Jesus Christ, The Seven Letters to the Seven Churches, The Heavenly Vision and the start of The Great Tribulation
period with the Seven Seals Judgment.
Dvd #2 - Topics covered on this second Dvd: You will learn about the rest of the judgments of the Great Tribulation which includes the Seven Trumpets and the Seven Vials. You'll
learn about the Anti-Christ, the Mark of the Beast, the 144,000, the Two Witnesses, The Mystery of Babylon the Great, the Judgment of Literal Babylon, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb,
the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the Battle of Armageddon, the demise of Satan, the Great White Throne, the Lake of Fire, the Eternal State and many other topics that are seldom studied
and misunderstood.